Piotr Kruczek
About me
Piotr Kruczek, MD. PhD – born 1967, graduated 1991 from Medical University in Krakow, Poland, from 1991 to 2018 employed in Department of Paediatrics Polish-American Institute of Paediatrics in Krakow, currently chief of Department of Neonatology in Obstetric Hospital on Siemiradzkiego St. in Krakow. Paediatrician and neonatologist, President of Neonatology Section of Polish Ultrasound Society. The major focus of interest – neonatal intensive care, point of care ultrasonography, neonatal hemodynamics. Academic teacher for more than 30 years involved in pre and postgraduate education, coordinator of Paediatrics course in Medical College for Foreigners Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Multiply winner of students’ award for best academic teacher. Organizer of hundreds of clinical courses on point of care ultrasonography for paediatricians and neonatologists.